Monday 18 April 2011

Backlash 2000

Backlash 2000
April 30th from M.C.I Center, Washington D.C

The Event:

The show starts with a video showing the Mcmahon Helmsley regime and them outlining the stipulations of tonight’s match with Stone Cold Steve Austin returning to the WWF in the corner of The Rock and Shane Mcmahon as the referee. In this video it also shows when Steve Austin blew up Triple H’s bus on Raw which looked pretty cool.

J.R and Jerry Lawler are our commentators. J.R states that there will be 6 title matches tonight and Stone Cold will be returning.

Also returning is Debra who comes out as guest ring announcer for the first match (joy).

Match 1:

X-pac & Road Dogg (w/Tori) vs. Edge & Christian (c) for the Tag Team Championship.

Debra is the worst announcer I have ever heard. I have no idea why she is doing this. D-X comes out to their best theme music by Run DMC. Road Dogg does his usual stuff. Debra introduces Edge & Christian in such a bored way, like she doesn’t even care who they are.

A massive X-pac sucks chant to start the match. Lawler takes a pop at politicians in the first few minutes as they are in the capitol. Edge hits a Spinning Heel Kick on X-pac who gets annoyed and spits at Edge. Edge and Christian do their tag team Splash in the corner on Road Dogg. Christian gets chucked to the outside and gets thrown into the steel steps. Christian gets the tag to Edge but the ref doesn’t see it and X-Pac and Road Dogg double team Christian behind the ref’s back, even Tori gets in on the action by choking Christian. Road Dogg does his Jive Punches and Shaky Knee Drop combo. Christian does a Double Reverse DDT on Road Dogg and X-Pac and gets the hot tag to Edge who Powerbombs X-pac. He then Spears Road Dogg.
Tori gets up on the apron and X-Pac accidentally knocks her off.  X-Pac hits the X Factor on Edge but the referee is on the outside for some reason. Christian grabs the ring bell and hits X-Pac with it and pins him for the win. X-Pac gets busted open from this.

Winners and Still Tag Team Champions: Edge & Christian
Match Time:

An ok opener. A bit slow to begin with but once it got going was fine. Christian using the ring bell confused me as they were meant to be baby faces and that is such a heel thing to do to win the titles. The crowd loved Edge & Christian and they really got into it. Not as good as their last PPV matches tho.
Rating: 5/10

They go to the back where a limo has pulled up and they think it’s Stone Cold but it turns out to be The Rock who is looking huge.

Match 2:

Scotty 2 Hotty vs. Dean Malenko(c) for the Light Heavyweight Championship.

Scotty 2 Hotty comes out and dances with Lillian. Thank god I don’t have to watch Too Cool dancing in a match as Gradmaster Sexay is out injured. They show a video of how Dean Malenko won the title on Smackdown as he held the ropes when he pinned Scotty.

Theres a massive blood patch on the canvas from X-Pac. Lawler is trying to get J.R to cut the top out of his hat like Scotty. J.R also admits to doing the worm in his back garden but got hurt. Malenko starts working on the knee of Scotty by hitting it on the ring post and working on it in the ring which gets boring. Malenko gets Scotty in a leg lock and uses the ropes for torque but the referee catches him. Scotty gets an Enziguri on Malenko but Malenko goes back to the knee. The crowd totally hate this match. Scotty gets some momentum back but again Malenko comes back by Superplexing Scotty from the top rope. Malenko goes for the Cloverleaf but Scotty reverses into a Roll Up for a 2 count. Scotty goes for the worm and gets a massive pop from the crowd. Malenko goes for a Roll Up on Scotty and uses the ropes for leverage but the referee sees and stops the count. He then hits a very nice Underhook Powerbomb on Scotty for 2.
They both go to the top rope and Scotty tries a Superplex but Malenko reverses and hits a sick looking DDT from the top rope! Scotty landed on his damn head! This looked great.

Winner and still Light Heavyweight Champion: Dean Malenko
Match Time:

They got a lot of time in this match and Malenko got very technical on Scotty. I don’t think the crowd was into it but he stalked Scotty’s knee with purpose of getting the Clover Leaf. It was kind of slow but the ending was great. What a finish.
Rating: 2/10

Vince, Triple H, Stephanie, Gerald Briscoe and Pat Patterson are in the back talking about tonight’s match saying it’s all hands on deck. Shane comes in and shows his referee shirt.

J.R states that Steve Austin is usually the first to show up but he hasn’t arrived yet.

Match 3:
Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan vs. The A.P.A

Bradshaw starts with Bull and hits a big Top Rope Clothesline. Lots of chants for A.P.A and Boss Man sucks. Bradshaw gets Boss man on the outside and chucks him into the steel steps. Bull and Boss man isolate Faarooq. Man the crowd is dead for this match. Bradshaw gets the sort of hot tag. Bull Superplexes Bradshaw from the top rope. Bradshaw hits a Clothesline From Hell on Bull but Bossman broke up the pin. Boss man grabs the nightstick and hits Bradshaw with it and he walks into a Top Rope Scissor Kick by Bull for the win.

Winners: Big Boss Man & Bull Buchanan
Match Time:

A Rubbish match. This was very boring and the crowd were silent after the first minute. I am impressed with Bull Buchanan tho as he is very athletic for a big guy. It’s a shame that he is stuck with Big Boss Man.
Rating: 1/10

The Hardyz are backstage saying they are not going to hold back in the upcoming match.

Crash and Hardcore Holly are talking and ends with Holly slapping Crash as Crash wants them to work together so Crash can retain the title.

Match 4:

Crash Holly(c) vs Tazz vs Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy vs Hardcore Holly vs Perry Saturn for the Hardcore Championhip.

They all do moves and try and pin Crash straight away. Tazz hits a great bridging suplex on Crash early on. Crash tries running away and climbs the structure near the entrance-way. Matt follows him up and knocks Crash down onto everyone, then Matt dives onto everyone below from the structure. I don’t know why but Saturn pulls out an Abdominal Stretch in this match? Crash gets hit with Chairs, Road signs, Trash can lids and 2x4’s. Crash is getting the crap beaten out of him for the whole match, he has had no offence. Tazz chokes Matt then Jeff Hardy with an extension cord.
There’s a massive pop when Jeff Hardy gets a ladder from under the ring. They keep referring to Jeff as a young Shawn Michaels. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb onto Crash but Matt and Jeff fight over who gets the pin. Tazz goes for a Tazzmission on Crash but gets hit with a Stop sign and Crash pins Tazz for the win.

Winner and still Hardcore Champion: Crash Holly
Match Time: 12:20

A sub-par Hardcore Match. The crowd wasn’t really into it until Jeff brought out the ladder. To be fair the Hardyz made this match. Crash got beat on for the whole match but still won which was kind of funny.
Rating: 3/10

Jonathan Coachman is interviewing to Shane in the back about him being referee and if he will be fair.

They show a video for the next match between Kurt Angle and Big Show. Big Show basically has turned into a comedy character and was put in a tag team match with Angle but Angle slapped Big Show for acting stupid. Big Show got pissed and beat the hell out of Angle. They show a bit when Angle Olympic Slam’s Big Show which looked impressive.

Match 5:
Kurt Angle vs Big Show

Angle comes out and cuts a promo on Washington saying America is full of liars. He also says Big Show is a disappointment and a failure.
Big Show comes out dressed as Hulk Hogan complete with wig and moustache. His shirt says Showster and starts posing like Hogan. He also cuts a promo in the voice of Hogan. Angle is enraged at Big Show.

Big Show Hulk’s up straight away and hits a Leg Drop. Angle Chop Block’s Big Show and works on his leg. The crowd stars chanting Hogan. Big Show then goes serious and Chokeslam’s Angle for the win.

Winner: Big Show
Match Time: 2:57

Was this worth putting on a PPV? I know it needs comedy sometimes but this could have been much much better. The crowd seemed to love the whole Hulk Hogan thing tho.
Rating: 1/10

Next is video for Dudley Boyz vs T&A. Trish has been enticing Bubba with a video of her rolling around on a table in her underwear. Bubba has tried putting her through a table for a few weeks but she keeps getting out of it by kissing him.

Match 6:
Dudley Boyz vs. T&A (w/Trish Stratus)

They keep saying is Bubba going to get wood. Bubba starts by chasing Trish round the ring but Test Clotheslines Bubba. Dudlez start working on Albert as Bubba keeps shouting at Trish calling her a bitch. They hit the Whats Up? on Albert. Albert gets some heat back and tags in Test who hits a massive boot to the face on Devon.Test hits a Gut-Wrench Powerbomb on Devon. T&A work on Devon who cannot get the Tag to Bubba. Albert hits a Sit-down Powerbomb on Devon for a 2 count. Bubba gets the hot tag and hits a Samoan drop onto Test. They then hit a 3-D but only get a 2 count. They go for another 3-D but Trish gets up on the apron and distracts Bubba. Test hits a Big Boot to Bubba for the win.

Bubba gets his hands on Trish and Powerbombs her through a table which looked like it hurt alot. The crowd go crazy for this. Trish then gets taken out on a stretcher.

Winners: T&A
Match Time: 11:04

This match was o.k. Nothing special. The best bit was the end where Bubba finally got Trish through a table.
Rating: 4/10

We then see a car turn up and its Eddie Gurrero and Chyna. It looks like they have been to a prom as Eddie is in a suit. A referee tells Eddie that he has a match now so Eddie drives the car into the arena and right to the ring. Eddie has his wrestling gear and title in the trunk of the car which is very funny.

There’s a video of how this fued came about, it’s basically all Lita’s fault as she has accidentally hit Eddie on two different occasions during a Tag Team match and Chyna chucked Lita to The Dudleyz who put her through a table.

Match 7:

Eddie Guerrero (c) (w/Chyna) vs. Essa Rios (w/Lita) for the European Championship

Eddie is wrestling is suit trousers, bow tie and loafers. Eddie hits a nice back suplex to begin. Essa Rios goes to jump over the top rope but Eddie moves out of the way. Eddie then chucks Essa into the the steel steps. Chyna gets involved and hits Essa as Eddie distracts the referee. Back in the ring Essa hits a Missile Dropkick for a 2 count. Chyna gets involved again and hits Essa. Lita goes to the top rope and goes to attack Eddie but Chyna chucks her off. Essa goes for a Springboard Moonsault on Eddie on the outside and overshoots it and lands on the announce table. (Lucky it didn’t break)
Essa the goes for a crazy flip dive from inside the ring, over the corner turnbuckle and onto Eddie who was outside the ring. This looked great and could have gone horribly wrong.
Chyna gets involved once again which allows Eddie to hit a Top Rope Superplex. Essa goes for a Moonsault but Eddie gets his knees up. Eddie then goes for an Airplane Spin Neckbreaker for the win.

After the match Lita comes in and attacks Chyna and strips her to her bra and panties.

Winner and still European Champion: Eddie Guerrero
Match Time: 8:43

This match was alright. The crowd wasn’t really into it until Essa did them crazy dives. Chyna got involved too often for my liking, is the referee blind?
Rating: 5/10

The Coach is talking to Triple H in the dressing room and asks if he is worried. Triple H states that he is The Game and he is not worried about anything. Vince also states that there is a surprise for tonight and says Stone Cold might not make it tonight.

Match 8:

Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit (c) for the Intercontinental Championship

Jericho comes out and cuts a promo on Chris Benoit stating the he is Mr Roboto and like a politician and like the people of Washington D.C he will do what they have always wanted to do, beat the hell out of a politician.

Jericho and Benoit brawl to start off. They then get into some great pin counters and then they get into duelling Chops with “Woo’s” from the crowd. Benoit hits two German Suplex’s then Suplex’s Jericho over the top rope, to the floor. Benoit goes for a Suicide Dive but Jericho moves out of the way which is a nasty landing for Benoit.
Benoit Drop-kicks the steel steps into Jericho’s stomach which was a good move. Benoit has the upper hand on Jericho doing various moves and holds. Jericho gets some heat back by hitting Benoit with an elbow then an Asai Moonsault for a 2 count. Jericho hits Benoit with a Spinning Heel Kick then an Bulldog. Jericho then goes for  a Spingboard Dropkick but Benoit blocks and goes to the top rope. Jericho goes to the top and goes for a Back Suplex on Benoit which lloked like a botch but J.R says Benoit contereed the move. Jericho hits a Double Powerbomb on Benoit for another 2 count. Benoit gets the Crossface on Jericho but he gets to the ropes. Jericho gets the Walls Of Jericho on Benoit and the crowd go nuts, Benoit gets to the ropes to break the hold.
There’s a ref bump, Benoit grabs the title belt and cracks Jericho with it but Jericho kicks out. Benoit goes for the Diving Headbutt but Jericho hits Benoit with the Title belt. The referee calls for the bell and says Jericho is disqualified.

After the match Jericho puts the Walls Of Jericho on the referee and has to get pulled off by all the referee’s.

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion: Chris Benoit
Match Time: 15:08

A great match. I love Jericho and Benoit’s style. Lots of counters, holds, submission moves. These two work great together and the match ending on a D/Q means a rematch has to happen.
Rating: 8/10

Next is a video of how the Main Event came about. It started at Wrestlemania when Vince turned heel and hit The Rock with a chair. The Rock has to go through a Hell In A Cell match with Boss Man and Bull Buchanan to get a title match which he wins. Vince then says he will be in the corner of Triple H and Shane will be the referee but Linda Mcmahon says it’s unfair and puts Stone Cold in The Rock’s corner. Stone Cold shows up on Smackdown and blows up Triple H’s bus.

Michael Cole is interviewing The Rock. He says that Stone Cold will be here and he promises that he will leave tonight as WWF Champion.

Match 9:

The Rock vs. Triple H (c) (w/ Vince and Stephanie) for the WWF Championship with Shane Mcmahon as Special Referee.

Vince gets on the mic and states that Stone Cold will not be here tonight which is greeted by massive boo’s from the crowd. The Rock comes out to a massive pop.
The crowd are extremely hot for this match as Rock reverses and early Pedigree attempt by Triple H. Triple H chucks Rock to the outside and throws him into the steps then onto the table. Vince then throws Rock into the ring post as Triple H and Shane hug in the ring. The odds are stacked against Rock in this match. Shane keeps going for fast counts but Rock keeps kicking out. They have an early rest sport with Triple H getting a Sleeper hold on Rock. J.R and Jerry have great back and forths in this match. J.R is freaking out that Austin isn’t here and Shane keeps counting quick. Rock gets some heat back but they do a Double Clothesline spot for another rest spot. This match hasn’t even been that long and there have been 2 rest spots. Vince grabs the belt and hits Rock with it but Rock kicks out. Rock hits a DDT on Triple H but Shane refuses to count and Rock punches Shane over the top rope to the floor.
Triple H chucks Rock to the floor and throws him into the steel steps. They get Rock onto the Spanish announce table but Rock counters and Rock Bottom’s Triple H and Shane through the table which looked great. The crowd went insane and Shane looked like he go hurt as he Triple H landed on him. Vince then attacks Rock, Triple H hits a Pedigree on Rock but there’s no referee. Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco come down in referee uniforms to count but Rock kicks out. They all attack Rock and beat him down.
Vince hits Rock in the head with a chair, Stone Cold’s music hits to an even bigger pop than The Rock’s and he hits Triple H, Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, Shane and Vince with a chair. He hits Triple H a second time and Linda Mcmahon comes down with Earl Hebner who was fired by Vince and she pushes Stephanie over. Rock then hits Triple H with a Peoples Elbow and Earl counts the 3 for the win.

As The Rock is celebrating Stone Cold’s music hits again and he drives his truck down which is towing Triple H’s burnt bus and Rock and Austin have beers in the ring to celebrate.

Winner and New WWF Champion: The Rock
Match Time: 19:24

Once again to many people involved in the match. It was ridiculous. There was no need for this many people. Why were there 2 rest spots when the match wasn’t even 20mins? The crowd were proper into this match and all that matters is The Rock is the champion.
Rating: 5/10

PPV Rating:
In my opinion another poor PPV. The main event was very over booked, The Big Show match sucked, and the crowd didn’t get into most of the matches. The best match was Jericho v Benoit and I’m looking forward to a rematch between these two.

Rating: 2/10


  1. You obviously don't know wrestling very well. Backlash is regarded as one of the best PPV events in 2000.

    The crowd were all over the Eddie and Essa match and the main event was a thrilling overbooked extravaganza!

  2. Yeah this kid doesn't know real wrestling cause the malenko and scotty match was at least a 8/10

    you are way too strict and bias in your revies

    watch raw wrestling rant blog for real reviews
