Thursday 19 May 2011

Insurrextion 2000

Insurrextion 2000
May 6th from Earl's Court, London

 The Event:

A short video package shows tonight's main event of The Rock, Triple H and Shane Mcmahon talking about the WWF title amid explosions in the background. J.R and Jerry Lawler are our commentators for tonight's show from London, England.

Match 1:
Too Cool Vs. Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko

The crowd were extremely hot for this match. Scotty hit a double worm in the match and had great back and forth action. The finish came when Grandmaster Sexay hit the Hip Hop Drop on Saturn for the win. There was a break up between Malenko & Saturn at the end as they brawled in the ring.

Winners: Too Cool
Match Time: 7:00
Rating: 5/10

The Kat and Mae Young are in the back talking about their upcoming match.

Vince Mcmahon comes out to massive boo’s and cuts a promo on London and saying that Triple H would still be champion if it wasn’t for Linda Mcmahon, Earl Hebner and Steve Austin. The crowd chant “Asshole” at him. He then guarantees everyone that there will be a new WWF Champion.

Match 2:
Bull Buchanan Vs. Kane (W/ Paul Bearer)

They showed a video from Raw last month where Bull Buchanan broke Kane’s wrist with the steel steps.  
A pretty quick match with lots of brawling to start off. The end came when Bull came off the top rope but Kane caught him in a Choke Hold and Choke Slammed Bull for the win.

Winner: Kane
Match Time: 3:31
Rating: 2/10

Match 3:
Road Dogg (W/Tori) Vs. Bradshaw (W/ Faarooq)

Faarooq is on commentary and both Road Dogg and Bradshaw got massive cheers when they came out. Faarooq got sent to the back by the referee for interfering early on. Tori distracted Bradshaw then Road Dogg hit him with the Pumphandle Drop for the pin.

Winner: Road Dogg
Match Time: 5:58
Rating: 4/10

Michael Cole is interviewing Terri and Moolah in the back about the upcoming match with The Kat. Terri is playing with a banana for some reason.

Match 4:
The Kat (W/ Mae Young) Vs. Terri (W/ Moolah) in an Arm Wrestling match:

Jerry Lawler is the referee for this pointless contest. He constantly cracks sexist jokes as usual. Some of his comments are very funny but others are just creepy. Terri keeps stalling before they start by drinking water, then doing stretches, She then takes off her shorts to reveal she is wearing a very skimpy bikini. The Kat wins as Mae Young pours water all over Terri to distract her. Terri then pulls The Kat’s top down to reveal her breasts. There was no point in this.

Match 5:
The Dudley Boyz Vs. Big Show & Rikishi

Big Show goes under the name of Showkishi for this match as he is dressed the same as Rikishi. I hated Big Show as a comedy character. The crowd love them tho.
Big Show & Rikishi do a double Stink Face on the Dudley’s. Edge & Christian come down, Christian distracts the referee and Edge spears Bubba Ray which lets Big Show Chokeslam Bubba for the win.

Winners: Big Show & Rikishi
Match Time: 7:10
Rating: 4/10

After the match Too Cool came down and everyone, including the Dudley Boyz danced in the ring. I thought the Dudley’s were heel’s? this didn’t make sense and annoyed me.

Next they show a video of Kurt Angle going around London talking to random people on the street, saying he is an Olympic Hero. He then does a signing for fans. Very funny video.

Michael Cole is interviewing Chris Benoit in the back. They talk about how Benoit lost the Intercontinental Championship on Smackdown to Chris Jericho. He has a massive swollen eye as Jericho hit him in the face with the belt to win.

Match 6:
Chris Benoit Vs. Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle comes out and cuts a promo on London saying he can’t understand a word that people say and they should learn the American language. He talks about how the Americans saved the English from the Germans. Very funny promo. Crash Holly comes out to commentate on the match for some reason. He says he wants to fight an Englishman but can’t find one.
Angle is dominating Benoit and keeps going for his injured eye. Benoit fights back and hits Angle with 3 German Suplex’s then the Crossface but Angle gets out of it and hits the Olympic Slam for the win.

Winner: Kurt Angle
Match Time: 6:04
Rating: 6/10

Michael Cole is with Shane Mcmahon. Shane says Vince is favouring him to win tonight and will leave as WWF champion.

The British Bulldog’s music hits to a massive pop from the crowd and he runs down and we have an impromptu match between him and Crash Holly for the Hardcore Championship.

Match 7:

British Bulldog Vs. Crash Holly for the Hardcore Championship.

Bulldog decimates Crash and pins him with a Running Power slam to win the Hardcore Championship.

Winner and New Hardcore Champion: British Bulldog
Match Time: 3:37
Rating: 1/10

Edge & Christian are out in the parking lot and they are charging kids to have their autographs and pictures taken which was very funny.

Match 8:
Hardy Boyz Vs. Edge & Christian for the WWF Tag Team Championship.

Hardyz and pop big when Jeff finally tags Matt. Jeff hits a great plancha over the top rope then hits the Swanton Bomb but Edge grabs the ring bell and hits Jeff then Matt with the bell to get DQ’d.

Winners: Hardy Boyz by Disqualification
Match Time: 12:53
Rating: 7/10

Dudley Boyz come out after and attack Edge & Christian. Giving a 3-D to Christian and putting Edge through a table.

Next a video is shown of how Chyna screwed Jericho out of the European Championship and now she has aligned herself with Eddie Guerrero.

Match 9:

Eddie Guerrero (w/Chyna) Vs. Chris Jericho for the European Championship.

Eddie cuts a promo and says he doesn’t like being the European Champion because of England. Jericho then comes out and cuts a promo in an English accent and tells Eddie & Chyna to “bloody piss off”.

They brawl hard to start off then Jericho gets the upper hand, Eddie goes to leave but Chyna makes him go back and fight. There’s a great sport where they do about 4 or 5 pin counters on each other. Chyna got involved in the match and hit a DDT on Jericho behind the referee’s back but only got a 2 count. She then throws the belt into the ring and Eddie hits Jericho with it when the referee was distracted by Chyna for the win.

Winner and still European Champion: Eddie Guerrero
Match Time: 12:56
Rating: 7/10

Shane & Triple H are in the back arguing about who will be champion and pin The Rock.

The Rock cuts another great promo like always saying it doesn’t matter where the match takes place he will walk out the WWF Champion.

Match 10:

Shane Mcmahon (w/Vince Mcmahon) Vs. Triple H (w/ Stephanie Mcmahon) Vs. The Rock for the WWF Championship.

Rock comes out to a massive reaction from the crowd. Basically this is a 2 on 1 handicap match as Shane & Triple H are working together. Rock starts off well until Triple H throws him into the guard rail outside the ring. Shane & Triple H toy with Rock by doing boxing punches. Theres a great Triple Sleeper Hold spot which ends with Shane hitting a Jawbreaker on Rock. Shane ends up corking Triple H as he gets annoyed with him, and Rock goes for a pin but Stephanie distracts the referee.
There’s a ref bump and Triple H hits Rock with the belt, Gerald Brisco comes out to do the pin but Rock kicks out. Triple H hits the Pedigree but Rock kicks out which sends everyone insane.
Brisco gets knocked out, Vince gets in the ring and goes for the pin but Earl Hebner runs down and pulls him out saying Vince is not a referee.
Rock then Rock Bottom’s Vince, Shane then gets hit with a Spine Buster and the People’s Elbow for the win.
What an overbooked match. Yet again a rubbish main event where everyone gets involved.

Winner and still WWF Champion: The Rock
Match Time: 21:13
Rating: 4/10

PPV Rating:

Yet again another overbooked main event which was very poor. Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian always have good matches together, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Jericho was a good  match and the Angle / Benoit match was solid. Alot of filler on this card though.
Rating: 4/10

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